Monday, January 21, 2008

Not Thinking About It Too Much

When I was maybe a junior in high school, I attended a three-week writing workshop at Simon's Rock of Bard college in Great Barrington, Massachusetts. It was like camp for kids who liked to write, with classes during the day and free time at night. Though I don't remember much about the classes themselves, I do remember that every morning the lot of us were asked to free-write, which meant writing non-stop without really thinking about it until our allotted time was up. The theory, so far as I can recall, was to limber us up creatively, get our juices flowing.

I hated it. I was no good at it. My juices, it turned out, were far more comfortable on the stopping-and-thinking side of the fence.

Anyways, here's a tiny little song I just wrote. I didn't think about it too much.

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